Fresno Primetimers
Season #1 and #2
Joel Buck 7th, Pitcher, 0 points
Juan Romero 9th, SS, 0 points
Earl Dodd 44th, Pitcher, 0 points
No picks from the first two seasons signed up to play. Surprising since Camp was a rather solid GM.
Season #3 and #4
Ivan Roth 23rd, SP, 36 points
Trent Duran 37th, Relief, 25 points
Vance Curtis 50th, LR, 26 points
3 picks by camp in the season 3 draft resulted in three awful players. Season 4 he had no picks in the first round.
4 year score: 15/100
Possibly one of the worst drafters ever. However camp kept his team a winner for 13 seasons by doing a lot of other things right.
Hartford Storm
Season #1
Dustan Poole 14th, CF, 72 points
Tim Ducey 36th, Relief, 20 points
I would rather have Rob Ducey then Tim. Dustan Poole however was a pretty good pick at 14. Almost 200 homeruns and over 200 steals in his career.
Season #2
Omar Crespo 15th, SP, 52 points
Crespo won double digits three times in his career but never achieved the greatness that projected for him.
Season #3
Gordon Damon 12th, RF, 67 points
Moments of greatness for Damon. Peak of his career was a 20/20 season when his also drove in 102 runs with a .307 average
Season #4
Juan Hernandez 3rd, RF, 48 points
Never panned out like they hoped, a #3 pick should be a hall of famer. His weakness of being unable to hit lefties kept him from winning an everyday job.
4 year score: 52/100
A few hits but a mostly misses. No one ever overachieved leading to a rather average score.